gmaroman101 发表于 2010-7-2 16:05:49

【推荐】eMule 0.50a Xtreme V8.0 Final 绿色版

软件大小:10.71 MB软件语言:多国语言[中文]软件性质:国外软件软件授权:免费软件软件等级:3
更新时间:2010-06-30 09:00应用平台:Win7 / Vista / Win2003 / WinXP软件MD5:4BAEA92CCCEAB34DB127D535F0CA12D3

emule Xtreme 8.0 更新日志:
- updated to 0.50a codebase (thanks Stulle)
- update: MediaInfo.dll
- update: DLP v42 (thanks **Riso64bit**, chengr28 and so on)
- add: Some more countries to country flags feature (tomchen1989)
- add: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation (Stulle)
- add: Fincan community hash detection (WiZaRd)
- add: retrieve MTU from system (netfinity)
- add: dual upnp lib support (in code only)(zz_fly)
- add: AICHHashset write buffer, reduce diskio while hashing (zz_fly)
- add: let unshared hashsets in a single file, reduce the size of Known2_64.met (zz_fly)
- add: save URL source (DolphinX)
- improved: Made SafeHash ready for new AICH based file identifier (like official) (Stulle)
- improved: update Flush Thread and Read Block From File Thread (Morph/Sirob)
- improved: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128 (netfinity)
- improved: better clients.met file backup and recovery (Enig123)
- improved: remove useless sort process in downloadqueue (Enig123)
- improved: optimized in download queue balance (Enig123)
- improved: don't reset Connection Settings for Webserver/CML/MM (Stulle)
- improved: don't Failed-Download-Ban http sources (DolphinX)
- fixed: skip big archive in auto archive preview (zz_fly)
- fixed: minimize to systray issue issue (Enig123)
- fixed: a splash-screen UI problem in Vista (WiZaRd)
- fixed: don't transmit for nested/overlapping data requests (emuleplus)
- fixed: a possible crash when username contain %s (DolphinX)
- fixed: don't reload sharedfiles when we need not (DolphinX)
- removed: Xman's Multi-threaded disc access with threading-queue. see emule.h for details.
- removed: MediaInfo 0.4 support

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gmaroman101 发表于 2010-7-2 16:06:46

Xtreme Mod(项目页;参见目录介绍) 现在的主要维护者为zz_fly。它是官方eMule最著名和使用最广泛的Mod(“Mod”即软件修改版)之一,也是emule-mods.de和本站上投票最高的Mod。它拥有的主要功能有 Maella带宽控制系统、准确计算额外开销、NAFC、更适合ADSL用户使用、Xtreme下载管理、智能来源处理、Xtreme积分系统、强力发布 和动态隐藏文件块、IP2C地区旗帜等。它原创的DLP反吸血驴组件(参见目录介绍)也被多个eMule所用。
2010年6月30日晨,zz_fly发布了基于eMule 0.50a的Xtreme 8.0正式版。同时更新的还有官方DLP库,最新版本为v42。Xtreme主要更新 有:代码与官方eMule 0.50a同步;MediaInfo.dll同步更新;DLP v42;地区旗帜库更新;双UPNP库支持;AICHHashset缓存算法;可保存URL来源;clients.met文件备份;优化下载队 列;Vista下界面;修正部分bug;提升稳定性;等等。具体请见更新日志一 节。

注意:Xtreme 8.0使用VS2008 SP1和Windows 7 SDK编译,不再支持XP SP2以下的 Windows操作系统。

hnny 发表于 2010-7-2 16:15:34

:L ,不支持XP,估计现在XP的用户还是占绝大多数的!!!
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查看完整版本: 【推荐】eMule 0.50a Xtreme V8.0 Final 绿色版