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[讨论] K3 不用结账就可以查询以后期间的物料收发汇总表

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-3-31 23:25
  • 签到天数: 1186 天


    发表于 2018-10-9 14:19:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    CREATE proc stkd_物料收发汇总表   
    @begdate datetime,
    @enddate datetime,
    @begstock varchar(50),
    @endstock varchar(50),
    @begitem varchar(100),
    @enditem varchar(100)
    set nocount on
    select @endstock='zzzzzz' where @endstock=''
    select @enditem='zzzzzz' where @enditem=''
    declare @year int,@period int,@bd varchar(12)
    select @year=fvalue from t_systemprofile where fcategory='ic' and fkey='currentyear'
    select @period=fvalue from t_systemprofile where fcategory='ic' and fkey='currentperiod'
    select @year=year(@begdate),@period=month(@begdate)
    select @bd=cast(@year as varchar(4))+'-'+cast(@period as varchar(2))+'-01'
    create table #aa(
    fstock int,
    fstockna varchar(80),
    fitemid int,
    fnumber varchar(100),
    fname varchar(100),
    fmodel varchar(100),
    fbatchno varchar(50),
    funit varchar(50),
    fbeg decimal(18,4) default(0),
    fin decimal(18,4) default(0),
    fout decimal(18,4) default(0),
    fend decimal(18,4) default(0)
    create table #bb(
    fstock int,
    fstockna varchar(80),
    fitemid int,
    fnumber varchar(100),
    fname varchar(100),
    fmodel varchar(100),
    fbatchno varchar(50),
    funit varchar(50),
    fbeg decimal(18,4) default(0),
    fin decimal(18,4) default(0),
    fout decimal(18,4) default(0),
    fend decimal(18,4) default(0)
    insert into #aa(fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,fbeg)
    select fstockid,fitemid,fbatchno,sum(fbegqty) as fbeg
    from icinvbal
    where fyear=@year and fperiod=@period and fstockid in (select fitemid from t_stock where fnumber>=@begstock and fnumber<=@endstock)
    and fitemid in (select fitemid from t_icitem where fnumber>=@begitem and fnumber<=@enditem)
    group by fstockid,fitemid,fbatchno
    --select * from icinvbal
    insert into #aa(fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,fbeg)
    select ice.fdcstockid,
    sum(case when ic.ftrantype in (1,2,3,5,10,40,41) and ice.fdcstockid=ts.fitemid and ts.fnumber>=@begstock and ts.fnumber<=@endstock then  ice.fqty else 0 end)+
    sum(case when ic.ftrantype in (21,28,29,43) and ice.fdcstockid=ts.fitemid and ts.fnumber>=@begstock and ts.fnumber<=@endstock then -ice.fqty else 0 end) as fout
    from icstockbill ic,icstockbillentry ice,t_stock ts,t_icitem ti
    where ic.finterid=ice.finterid and ic.fdate>=@bd and ic.fdate<@begdate
    and ice.fitemid=ti.fitemid and ti.fnumber>=@begitem and ti.fnumber<=@enditem
    group by ice.fdcstockid,ice.fitemid,ice.fbatchno
    insert into #aa(fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,fbeg)
    select ice.fscstockid,
    sum(case when ic.ftrantype in (41,24) and ice.fscstockid=ts.fitemid and ts.fnumber>=@begstock and ts.fnumber<=@endstock then -ice.fqty else 0 end) as fout
    from icstockbill ic,icstockbillentry ice,t_stock ts,t_icitem ti
    where ic.finterid=ice.finterid and ic.fdate>=@bd and ic.fdate<@begdate
    and ice.fitemid=ti.fitemid and ti.fnumber>=@begitem and ti.fnumber<=@enditem
    group by ice.fscstockid,ice.fitemid,ice.fbatchno
    --select * from ictranstype
    insert into #aa(fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,fin,fout)
    select ice.fdcstockid,
    sum(case when ic.ftrantype in (1,2,3,5,10,40,41) and ice.fdcstockid=ts.fitemid and ts.fnumber>=@begstock and ts.fnumber<=@endstock then  ice.fqty else 0 end) as fin,
    sum(case when ic.ftrantype in (21,28,29,43) and ice.fdcstockid=ts.fitemid and ts.fnumber>=@begstock and ts.fnumber<=@endstock then  ice.fqty else 0 end) as fout
    from icstockbill ic,icstockbillentry ice,t_stock ts,t_icitem ti
    where ic.finterid=ice.finterid and ic.fdate>=@begdate and ic.fdate<=@enddate
    and ice.fitemid=ti.fitemid and ti.fnumber>=@begitem and ti.fnumber<=@enditem
    group by ice.fdcstockid,ice.fitemid,ice.fbatchno
    insert into #aa(fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,fin,fout)
    select ice.fscstockid,
    sum(case when ic.ftrantype in (41,24) and ice.fscstockid=ts.fitemid and ts.fnumber>=@begstock and ts.fnumber<=@endstock then  ice.fqty else 0 end) as fout
    from icstockbill ic,icstockbillentry ice,t_stock ts,t_icitem ti
    where ic.finterid=ice.finterid and ic.fdate>=@begdate and ic.fdate<=@enddate
    and ice.fitemid=ti.fitemid and ti.fnumber>=@begitem and ti.fnumber<=@enditem
    group by ice.fscstockid,ice.fitemid,ice.fbatchno
    delete from #aa where fbeg=0 and fin=0 and fout=0 and fend=0
    insert into #bb(fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,fbeg,fin,fout)
    select fstock,fitemid,fbatchno,sum(fbeg),sum(fin),sum(fout)
    from #aa
    group by fstock,fitemid,fbatchno
    update #bb set fend=fbeg+fin-fout
    update t1
    set t1.funit=t3.fname
    from #bb t1,t_icitem t2,t_measureunit t3
    where t1.fitemid=t2.fitemid and t2.funitid=t3.fmeasureunitid
    update t1
    set t1.fstockna=t2.fname
    from #bb t1,t_stock t2
    where t1.fstock=t2.fitemid
    update t1
    set t1.fnumber=t2.fnumber,t1.fname=t2.fname,t1.fmodel=t2.fmodel
    from #bb t1,t_icitem t2
    where t1.fitemid=t2.fitemid
    insert into #bb(fstockna,fbeg,fin,fout,fend)
    select fstockna+'合计',sum(fbeg),sum(fin),sum(fout),sum(fend)
    from #bb
    group by fstockna
    insert into #bb(fstockna,fbeg,fin,fout,fend)
    select '总计',sum(fbeg),sum(fin),sum(fout),sum(fend)
    from #bb
    where fstockna like '%合计'
    select fstockna as 仓库,fnumber as 物料编码,fname as 物料名称,fmodel as 规格型号,fbatchno as 批号,funit as 单位,
    fbeg as 期初余额,fin as 本期收入,fout as 本期发出,fend as 期末余额
    from #bb order by fstockna,fnumber


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