lenovoo 发表于 2011-3-30 17:38:30

SAP Business One 与SAP R/3的区别

SAP Business One 与SAP R/3的区别:
1、SAP Business One 主要针对的用户就是小型的业务复杂程度较低的客户,所以功能比较简单,从大的模块上讲它有进销存、财务、生产(订单级)、人力资源、客户关系管理和系统管理,其中生产和人力资源非常简单。从小的功能流程上讲,它省略了复杂的业务流程,把整个企业的业务流程集中的简化为几个单据的处理过程,比如:采购和销售都省略了采购计划和销售计划,直接从订单开始,对于小企业而言,能够很好的实现业务流程的规范化;
2、SAP Business One 与SAP R/3的技术架构完全不同,SBO是个两层结构的系统,便于维护和使用;
3、SAP Business One 是个打包的系统,而不是我们通常见到SAP R/3那样组件化的系统,他的所有功能模块都是默认就有的,购买以后所有的模块就都有了,不能分模块购买,如果要增强它的功能,SAP和其他合作伙伴提供了许多叫做“附加项(ADD-ON)”的功能模块。所以不能一概而论的说SBO功能简单,不能做什么,它的系统扩展性还是很好的。
4、SAP Business One 的一个中心设计思想就是要简单实用,所以它的定制、使用和实施都非常简单,一般一个项目2个月就可以完成了,一个具备基本的计算机操作技能的人能够很快的学会SAP Business One 的基本操作。
SAP Business One 与SAP R/3的区别与联系:
前者是SAP公司专门针对中小型企业的ERP软件,是SAP公司收购了以色列一家软件公司后改的产品,它和SAP R/3的联系在于:
2、小型企业在发展壮大以后可以无缝升级为SAP R/3等高端系统;
3、大型企业可以在总部和重要工厂使用SAP R/3,而在小型工厂和分支机构采用SBO,这些系统之间可以无缝集成;
4、 SAP Business One在功能上继承了SAP的主要特点,扩展性和灵活性较高,比如可以自定义流程、可以自定义扩展字段、自定义查询、自定义报表等等。
SAP Business One is an easy-to-use business and operational management solution for emerging and dynamic businesses ranging in size from 10 to several hundred employees. The solution is simple yet powerful, allowing an immediate and complete view of both business operations and customer activities. SAP by it from another company for small/middle client market.
SAP R/3 software systems functionality is geared toward a highly-integrated business process concept. For SAP, a business process is the complete functional chain involved in business practices, regardless which software module needs to work with that process. This means that the chain might run across different modules. SAP sometimes refers to this kind of feature as an internal data highway. For instance, what travel expenses, sales orders, inventory, materials management and almost all types of functions have in common is that most of them finally link with the finance modules.
With release 4.5 and 4.6 of R/3, SAP had already incorporated a library of more than 1000 predefined business processes across all functional modules which clients can freely _select and use to create a way of doing business unique to their individual requirements.
The R/3 applications are usually categorized in three core functional areas: financial, human resources, and logistics.
另外,这两个系统所使用的数据也不同,SAP Business One 是用Sql server,SAP所用的数据库早期主要是oracle公司的,但近几年oracle也生产erp和SAP来竞争,SAP就主要和IBM公司的DB2来合作.

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